necessary for 9.13 : [ ] do domain name transfer [ ] fix grid attribute setters [ ] list-attrs [ ] multi-valued attributes in source_filter [ ] reform GFDP so that pd43 and l2ork become debuggable. Unsorted [ ] memalign still doesn't exist on OSX and Windows ? [ ] reverify gem.cxx on OSX Intel-vs-PPC. Did I see a problem with 3 channels again ? [ ] "seedless" should be really skipping over the seed. but this didn't improve speed for [#fold]. so, I didn't continue the job on [#scan] [#inner] [#convolve] (note that [#inner] already a special case related to that) [ ] [#see] shm : [ ] [gf/mouse_spy] bug with ... was it gop ? (didn't finish writing this line) [ ] #background_model plante [ ] rajouter les nouvelles patchs de Roman [ ] option to disable input when in edit-mode, for [#see] and [gf/mouse_spy] [ ] [#expr] local [ ] more [#expr] : int rint imodf modf drem fmod size sum Sum [ ] [fps] doesn't complain about invalid mode name [ ] see people/jack/main.pd : [#see] sometimes appears when it's not supposed to. [ ] error: [???] inlet 0 method grid: grid inlet aborting from [(some bogus location)] at 0/48 because of [#border (1 2) (3 4)] [ ] document "f 1 2 3" as a shortcut grid literal [ ] [#import] does the same rounding bullshit again, when we want a float grid [ ] figure out way to share resources like [#text_to_image] and [#in qbert.png] and such, in qbert.pd and others [ ] should clean the -path thing because /abstractions/ gets saved in the path [ ] make a clean GridOut::~GridOut. can't make one because ~GridOut often happens after the next GridOut construction. [ ] [shunt] [route2] [route3] should have their attr-inlet on the right (maybe) or hidden (CLASS_NOINLET) (maybe) [ ] think about A_LIST, the 'binbuf' selector, the 'list' selector, and the auto-unfolding of list atoms into list messages. [ ] is outlet_anything2 and pd_anything2 really something we want as a behaviour of [args] ??? [ ] [#many]: add support for non-i grids [ ] should the internal grid always stored as float, and then a [#cast] would change it to the user's favourite type ? [ ] [#many]: add support for abstraction components [ ] abstraction component location lookup doesn't uplevel. [ ] [gf/object_bbox] doesn't support looking up a [receives] inside the abstraction because it is 'not patchable' and because it's not in the same canvas either [ ] [gf/object_bbox] can't look in a separate canvas (and it would be better if it could) and I want to use a 2nd order GOP to make things easier (avoid mistakes when saving abstraction) [ ] [#many]: spacing and margins don't get saved when properties-dialogue has not been used [ ] [#many]: doesn't show little star indicating that file hasn't been saved [ ] [#many]: add support for [hsl] and [vsl] [ ] terrible bug in [#store] put_at with feedback and/or grid too big. can crash. [ ] révision de patchs d'aide compliquées ou mal dites (?), comme [#grade] [#inner] [#outer] ... et autres. donner de bons exemples. expliquer par une séquence de cas (ou d'exemple) de plus en plus complexes. [ ] il y a qqchose qui marche pas dans les patchs d'aide neuves (pas encore rechargées) [ ] [#from_pix]: yuv in support, yuv out support [ ] [#from_pix, colorspace y] may have different contrast/brightness because of differences between the two definitions of Y [ ] when [#from_pix] uses [pix_rgba] or [pix_grey], there is one empty frame of size (0 0 4) instead of the 1st frame. why ? [ ] accelerate [#outer ignore (0)] [ ] other invalid command name ".x8f03820.c" not related to hidden [display] [ ] reduce the amount of sys_gui() to be done by GFDP while idle. [ ] test negative dimension sizes in grid-literals, [#import], [#pack], [#redim], etc [ ] alias numops so that they are more pd-like [ ] make a rounding [# *>>8] ? [ ] [#fft] sign crash [ ] [#import] bug (see atelier) [ ] remove RAISE from grid.cxx, because of all the problems it causes. generally, be a lot more careful about exception handling, because assuming an operation works, is as troublesome when using throw/catch as when you don't, because if you assume an operation works, you're not really _using_ throw/catch. [ ] unify [print] and [display] source code [ ] isn't .str().data() evil ? [ ] turtle.pd [ ] [#remap_image, cache]. also, if the left-grid of [#store] could be cached in such a case, it could be very much faster. [ ] [#import (...) f] converts floats to int to float (wtf) [ ] [#out x11]: picture too big will be rejected by x11-shm and perhaps crash or leak shm (easy to do in #scale_by-help.pd) [ ] bug: see #fft*-test.pd [ ] merge threshold.pd, simple_mask.pd, color_detect.pd [ ] on which classes do we add an attr-outlet ? [ ] [#in]/[#out]: what happened to frame number in right outlet? [ ] [doc_cc] [doc_ii] [doc_oo] where $1 is a symbol don't reposition themselves properly. [ ] go back in all help files and fill in whatever is still missing [ ] [#draw_polygon] : some more weirdnesses in rendering. play a bit with #draw_polygon-test2.pd to see. [ ] [#draw_polygon] : winding-rule, et multi-rule (ce dernier utile pour dessiner plusieurs polygones à la fois) [ ] [#draw_polygon] : multi-rule optimisé (a besoin d'une règle de distributivité du type : a+b+b = a+2b [ ] put_at is lacking some checks for number-of-dims, causing segfault. [ ] strange problem with [#import] when input size doesn't match output size and object is recreated [ ] can't handle [args] that come out as grid literals and have to become setter messages. [ ] conversion from float to int is inconsistent: when to round and when to trunc? [ ] what to do with [#motion_detection] ? [ ] videodev,quicktime,etc: height,width vs size : standardise [ ] [#swap]: convertir un littéral de grille en grille avant de la passer à l'outlet de droite [ ] [pack] trigger_by (choose which inlets are hot) [ ] remove last outlet of [#] when it's irrelevant, and don't have a $2 in that case. [ ] set_mode(6) was removed on 2008.07.11 and never compensated for. what do we do now? [ ] error: [#io.quicktime in gf_spirals_and_moire.avi]: unknown colorspace 'yuv' (supported: rgb, rgba, bgr, bgrn, yuv, yuva) [ ] doc attributes: [doc_a] [doc_aa] ? [ ] regularise Grid[a,b] vs Grid Dim[a,b] vs Dim[a,b] vs a grid of size (a,b) or (a b)... big mess [ ] distinguish messages vs atoms in this manual e.g. [doc_aa] would contain something like [doc_m] but wouldn't have [doc_m] as a subnode. [ ] [print], [gf/print] bugs : "(", ")", what else...? [ ] [gf/canvas_loadbang]: is it buggy? (see [doc_h] double-bang problem) [ ] support "get" in abstractions... automatically, through [args] ? or [attr] ? [ ] [fps]: translate into pd: "publish if fps>0.001" (to remove outliers) [ ] [#to_pix] newimage=0 to save CPU time and/or bus time? [ ] use [args] everywhere it should be used: e.g. [#background_model] but also many more [ ] [#fold] is slowwww [ ] #inner doesnt support seeds of size>1, and isn't vecop-compatible, and ... [ ] #inner could optimise permutation matrices? [ ] claude wants [ ] make [#draw_points] or equivalent (with several dot colours) [ ] [#in libv4l] lacks framerate, tuner, norm, frequency. [ ] every [doc_bottom] [r $0-r2] message is received 6 times (duplicates) [ ] retune [#rgb_to_yuv] and [#yuv_to_rgb] and [#greyscale...] etc. [ ] make single abstraction that replaces all picture converters and more. [ ] various_effects.pd doesn't completely support greyscale. other patches don't necessarily, either. make more efforts to make colorspaces switchable. [ ] [display] visible outside redrectangle in [doc_h] [ ] [doc_o] has a bit of a sync problem when creating [doc_oo] (sometimes?) this is a [doc_make] bug because not using [gf/canvas_loadbang]. [ ] visfn: if (self->vis & !flag) sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %s\n",long(c),self->rsym->s_name); [ ] add default values in docs (at the framework level) [ ] introduce automatic type conversion (en utilisant sand.pd comme exemple) [ ] [route] - 1[shunt] sends a message (bug) [ ] on n'a pas un vrai [getargs] au niveau du binbuf (ce qui, en soi, n'est pas évident) et ça va être compliqué d'éditer les args pour y rajouter vraiment ce qu'on veut. [ ] movie api : merge "height" & "width" attributes [ ] gridflow_gem*.pd_linux : missing error message on load (sometimes) because of sys_load_lib [ ] [#saturation] is a linear colorspace transform: therefore it could be accelerated just like [#hueshift] could. [ ] reduce [doc_h] clock again before release ! [ ] uniformise name of 'color' [doc_accolade] vs 'bgcolor' [#many]. [ ] revoir le système de paquetage pour linux. [ ] [#dim_append] [#dim_prepend] (pas si utiles que ça...?) [ ] unparse_args, pass_args could be doing more common work, and use a.join(","). [ ] big bug in rendering of [#type-gui, vertical] (leaves trace of horiz [#type-gui] behind) when not loaded directly from file. [ ] int64, float64 should be rejected from NumberTypeE \attr and arguments when in --lite mode [ ] add ro attr support [ ] fix [#fastblur] wrong size bug [ ] change description of GridFlow on and [ ] gem: support greyscale conversions [ ] commandline version of shoot.pd craps out sometimes, eating all RAM... [ ] [#out grid]: cast et type...? [ ] go through all examples again, to see whether everything works. [ ] [#in] [#out]: autoclose is currently not considered as an attribute. [ ] [doc_link] doesn't use [doc_iemfont] [ ] harmonise help files of [#in] [#out] [#io.*] and introduce help files for abstract 'standardised' interfaces such as 'window', 'movie', 'image', 'camera', talking about common options... (re)move superfluous parts of [#in]. [ ] PtrOutlet() : replace error() by RAISE() if you can [ ] [display] [print]: distinguer les () de symboles vs les () de A_LIST [ ] error: [#store] inlet 0 method float: must have at least 1 dimension. ~GridOut(): dex=0 prod=1 [ ] reintroduce numop1. split number.cxx into numop1.cxx and numop2.cxx. numop1 will be used in both [#] and [#expr]. [ ] merge << and pd_oprint please [ ] infinite loop in shoot.pd [ ] change numop to numop2 all over the documentation [ ] renommer t_symbol * à symbol (?) [ ] renommer t_atom2 * à atom (?) [ ] #fold and #scan begin without seed but can't send "seed none" to [#fold +] [ ] error: [# -] inlet 0 method grid: same type please (in has float32\; r has int32) pourrait devenir : error: [# -] inlet 0 method grid: same type please (inlet 0 has float32, inlet 1 has int32) ou: error: [# -] inlet 0 method grid: same type please (left is float32, right is int32) (ou autre) [ ] make this work in the future : error: [#for 0 0] inlet 0 method set: can't convert to grid: \\\\a(A_GRIDOUT 0x90ca8e0) [ ] intégrer -lib segfault [ ] [lb] ? [ ] cellular_1d.pd: should get a variable width [ ] finish adding PD_BLOBS A_BLOB class_addblob support (have to check for vanilla at runtime, etc.) [ ] while running #to~-help.pd : Invalid read of size 4 upsampling_perform_linear (d_resample.c:92) Address 0x51fa2f0 is 0 bytes after a block of size 128 alloc'd calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:418) getbytes (m_memory.c:24) [ ] think about link between multidimensional [#for] and future [#decode] (or is it [#encode] ?) [ ] allow direct passing of a grid as an atom of type Grid instead of just GridOut. [ ] in case of some camera problems, [#camera] says OFF even when it's not closed. [ ] regular dc1394 options [ ] irregular dc1394 options: white_shading, white_balance; trigger_mode? trigger, trigger_delay [ ] [#in unicap] and/or [#in videojack] ? [ ] test accuracy of RGB2Y etc [ ] [#camera] [#cast] setting ? or not ? [ ] fix SDL modifiers [ ] GSlice (both the one in GLib and ) [ ] automated loadtime patch rewriting in order to get rid of deprecated forms (?) [ ] DimConstraint could become a lot better than just the current CONSTRAINT() thing. [ ] [#out x11]: add 'rootsize' ro attr [ ] try to fix value of [tsctime]. divide initial tsc test by a [realtime] result ? or just redefine [tsctime] as giving a value in million cycles or something. [ ] look at [pdgst] and [pix_pix2gst] [ ] [gf/class_info]: add class-list, attr types, arg types, superclasses [ ] make a generic graph tool that can do efficient graphs using grids (?) and can be configured to do things like PMPD but can also serve other purposes. And/or start from waves.pd's mask system to make a patch that recycles the wave data to make a CHDH-like animations using [gf/gl]. [ ] see [comment] from cyclone [ ] Dim::T = intptr_t [ ] creating a [pd~] while -lib Gem -lib gridflow are loaded. (it looked like related to GF, but in the end, probably not) Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. with gdb: canvas_getenv (x=0x8188868, name=0x819f558 "pd~", ext=0x8126d74 ".l_i386", dirresult=0xbfffb634 "", nameresult=0xbfffb630, size=4096, bin=1) at g_canvas.c:160 with valgrind: Invalid read of size 4 at canvas_open (g_canvas.c:160) by 0x64705F76: ??? Address 0x9c is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd with no further info (2008.08.17) [ ] canvasdelete [ ] DEF_OP(clipunder, a<0?0:a>=b?b-1, 0, false, false) [ ] DEF_OP(pingpong, ...) [ ] custom m_pd.h [ ] runtime or compiletime check for l2ork (preferably runtime). use it in the customised m_pd.h. [ ] can't get dllimport/dllexport for windows to work (should look at ) [ ] win32 color_correction.pd crash [ ] win32 [#from_pix] et/ou [#out sdl] : crash en essayant d'aller chercher des vidéos avec [pix_video] ou [pix_film] [ ] win32 x11 support Not Important [ ] systematise like is_atom_sel(symbol) is true for float, symbol, pointer, and perhaps blob and grid and is_base_sel(symbol) also would include bang and list. [ ] [#inner] nonscalar seeds ? [ ] [#scan] could use the same yn==1 optimisation that [#fold] uses [ ] reenable numop1 isinf finite isnan [ ] [gf/numop_info] [ ] algebraïc properties of some numop2s are not written down (0,false,false instead) [ ] heat.pd still sucks (?) OpenCV [ ] cvOpticalFlow [ ] [cv/#Split] [ ] cvEstimateRigidTransform [ ] cvApproxPoly pour un seul poly à la fois [ ] cvMeanShift, cvCamShift (?) cvCamShift s'utilise presque comme MeanShift, sauf que ça requiert un autre type non-grid. Celui-ci peut être représenté comme une grille de 5 éléments pour faire plus facile (contrairement à cvHistogram, qui contient une grille ND mais a besoin de quelques champs de plus que ça). [ ] cvCalcBackProject (?) [ ] cvCalcHist, cvCreateHist. [ ] SnakeImage [ ] on doit aussi commencer à rajouter des types non-grid. Le premier sera CvHistogram et est requis pour tous les objets dont le nom contient "Hist". malloc alignment = 4 mod 8 (en utilisant valgrind) ClaudiusMaximus matju: feature request: [#store4], behaves like store but accepts grids of floats as coordinates and interpolates using 4-point interpolation, eg, right inlet -> (3 3 f # 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 4 8), left inlet -> (1 # 0.5) outputs (0.5 0.5 0.5) (or whatever the interpolation would really be), left inlet (2 # 1.5 1.5) outputs (3) [ ] add Minesweeper example based on [#many] [ ] OpenCL [ ] encoding of quicktime RGBA (PNG) does not work at all! [ ] make example on separable convkernels [ ] add concepts of hot inlet and conf inlet at the code level (?) [ ] Add a video latency patch (in examples) [ ] Numop: warn on misalignment [ ] remove GridInlet* ? [ ] [#expr] grid support [ ] [#line]? [#pipe]? [ ] rewrite [#rgb_to_rgba] [#rgba_to_rgb] in C++ if I'm not going to rework [#inner] soon enough. [ ] #,#fold,#scan,: option swap [ ] re-test int64,float64 and make sure it works [ ] Copy-on-Write (COW) [ ] internal grid protocol redesigned [ ] small leak remaining in x11? may have to do with non-use of XDestroyImage? [ ] is [#convolve] actually cross-correlation ? that is, convolves with a mirror image of the convolution matrix. [ ] #import with zero size crashes? [ ] MMX computations may be done misaligned, which may be bad. [ ] "unsupported codec" bogus errors. [ ] format/mpeg3.c,quicktime.c might cause lockup on exit [ ] some seeds aren't typechecked [ ] GRID_FINISH triggered while backstore ??? [ ] what would be a way to make GF work well with Pd's idea of a list? [ ] write unit tests about required functionality [ ] write unit tests about error checking [ ] make system to ensure everything is working before a release. [ ] it's possible to crash by sending data in two inlets of a same object at once Installation [ ] cross-compile ? Documentation [ ] document how to report bugs, basic troubleshooting [ ] ascii conventions: [foo] vs "foo", etc. [ ] architecture: class->type/shape->use->role [ ] benchmarks (especially: simple video i/o) [ ] mimic [pdp_help_input] and [pdp_help_output] ? Architecture [ ] reentrancy of objects (to allow true recursion) [ ] expand the [doc_same] concept [ ] dispatch on _#{i}_-named methods (any selector one inlet) [ ] generalize the backstore [ ] lazy grids: Grid#operator T* makes sure all the grid is received and Grid#range(int start, int n, T bogus) makes sure the specified part of the grid is received. [ ] accounting: grids packets numbers bytes copybytes [ ] memory profiling [ ] add a "query" class for debugging other objects? (would be able to extract extra info from each object/class) [ ] add a GridFlow::LaterException or something (which tells to retry later with the same packet because another grid reception is not completed yet.) [ ] SSE, liboil [ ] find a good profiler to use with GridFlow; did I look at ? what about: qprofile, amd profiler, opreport -cl --demangle=smart [ ] read Computation Objects [ ] #counter (similar to #for) [ ] zero option in #convolve (as an alternative to wraparound)... sort of a built-in #border [ ] #convolve should allow n-D convolution [ ] #store: option zero (?) [ ] #fold, #scan: option reverse (right-to-left) (is this useful ?) [ ] #join: option swap [ ] #matrix_solve (CV), #replace_if, #random_select, #markov_chain, #splice, full-featured #slice (in c++) [ ] add 2D markov example [ ] #draw_polygon smoothly [ ] write a complete benchmark [ ] spatial biquads (ask Tom) [ ] implement the whole APL feature set : expand, laminate, take, drop, indexof, rotate, generalizedtranspose, deal, decode, encode, membership, format, ... [ ] #mosaic, #dither, #queue (#delay ?) [ ] #gaussian_blur, #sobel, #pixelize, #despeckle (median) [ ] #chroma_key: i0=RGBpicture i1=RGBcolor i2=tolerance o0=RGBApicture with fuzzy flag; (don't call it #chroma_key though) maybe #mask... [ ] effectv [ ] create abstractions for usage patterns (eg: like #remap_image) [ ] multilinear interpolation a+(b-a)*x+(c-a)*y+(a-b-c+d)*x*y (#scale_by smoothly?) [ ] #scale_by/#downscale_by fractional values [ ] bicubic interpolation [ ] multilinear interpolation (n-dimensional?) [ ] #perlin [ ] #moment could support more than 2 dimensions Input/Output [ ] a #store that is persistent (saved in .pd) ? [ ] Grid: support storage in all six numtypes and perhaps also bpv 1,2,4. [ ] Grid: text version of the format (?) [ ] ffmpeg, xine, mplayer [ ] x11,sdl,aalib: use buffering to synchronise frames at a constant rate. [ ] x11: double buffering using a Pixmap remote-object, sync frames at constant rate, optionally with the actual vsync of the monitor [ ] support for audio in the mpeg streams [ ] full screen mode (without the menu bars or frames) [ ] support for audio in cameras / videodev ... see field vcaps.audios [ ] lqtgavl Format [ ] remaining number type support in formats [ ] threaded [#in]/[#out] handlers [ ] put_at/reassign in x11/sdl/quartz [ ] Generic SHM/MMAP Drivers [ ] "open grid pipe" and such. [ ] format grid: "headerless until 10" (text files) [ ] a way to make GEM/PDP/GF conversions *implicitly* instead of having objects for that (?) [ ] is there anything else deserving to be unified between the video plugins? [ ] look at camorama [ ] Generic Image Library: User Interface [ ] better [#color] [ ] 2d cartesian slider (see [grid]); radial slider (angle chooser); polar slider (angle chooser + amplitude chooser) [ ] object construction menu specialized for each class (generated from class reflection/metadata) OSX: [ ] [#io.quicktimeapple] déboguer [ ] [#io.quicktimecamera] minsize, size, maxsize [ ] unifier les décodeurs de colorspaces dans tous les modules de caméra, et les accélérer [ ] [#io.quartz] fullscreen mode [ ] [#io.quicktimeapple out] grid, codec, quality. [ ] [ ] regarder dans externals/template/ pour voir si on peut y récupérer quoi que ce soit par exemple, les binaires gras pour 3 cpus. [ ] [#io.quicktimecamera] crash when opening busy camera (?) or is it when opening two cameras at once ? [ ] [#io.quicktimecamera] framerate (parce que QuickTime donne des frames en double quand le métro est trop vite) (et parce que sur un ordi que je viens d'essayer, on détermine qu'on a juste 15 fps pcq quand le métro est plus vite, la détection de mouvement de various_effects.pd fait un clignotement. est-ce qu'on peut vraiment avoir 30 fps présentement ? est-ce que ça dépend de la dernière app qui a ouvert la caméra avant gridflow ? faire des tests avec [pix_video] et [#camera] en alternance.) Peines Perdues: [ ] pd n'a pas d'inlets hybrides comme [tabwrite~]. ça empêche d'envelopper [tabwrite~] avec une abstraction, par exemple. [ ] [#many]: add support for 'floatatom' objects ? (no: we require method 'pos'. apart from that we could work around the lack of 'send', 'receive') [ ] ps3eye problem (see gridflow-dev 17 mai 2010) (wtf) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autres notes -mfpmath=sse2 Tom Schouten wrote: «added demo/ and some support scripts in bin/pf-rawvideo.*; this is an example on how to use external programs for raw video input. rationale: mplayer is a very nice piece of software supporting virtually any input format/codec. since i'm not planning to waste time on integrating more input codecs in pf, the best alternative is to have mplayer (actually mencoder) or ffmpeg as a subprocess. the same will be done for recording later.» very old bookmarks: there are bugs with abstractions that use [route]->[list] instead of [route2] because they fail when $1="list". svn propset svn:mime-type text/pure-data *.pd How to release GridFlow : dir=gridflow-9.12; tag=gridflow_9_12_b svn copy svn+ssh:// svn+ssh://$tag/ svn export svn+ssh://$tag/ $dir chmod -R go=u-w $dir && tar cfzvv $dir.tar.gz $dir && rm -rf $dir scp $dir.tar.gz mv $dir.tar.gz /home/matju/GridFlow cd doc/homepage; pico index.html; make install make binaries pd-announce mlist : post release freshmeat if anyone cares (just restored my account but didn't use it) release listings